Monday, 10 December 2012

Window cleaning forum

There are many window cleaning forums on the Internet these days and what a good place they are for finding any information about window cleaning you need. Some forums specialise in Reach and Wash window cleaning, while others dedicate boards for traditional window cleaning and reach and wash window cleaning. When the traditional window cleaner decides that because of health and safety guidelines that it is time to change over to reach and wash type, then where better to gather all the information he needs. The window cleaning forums are full of newbies desperate to learn all they can before deciding which equipment they need and where to buy the best value for money window cleaning systems. There is also Lot's of advice for the people who fancy putting the system together themselves, from making up a brush to installing a water tank in their van. They can also get information about the cheapest, the lightest, and the best value for money poles. Some forums even have dedicated FAQ boards where the window cleaner can browse through at his or her leisure. Last but not least is the second hand systems and equipment where you can buy a van already fitted with a full reach and wash system, right down to a simple connector to join your pole hose to your hose reel. Window cleaning forums are very easy to join free of charge and only require that you register first before posting. Most of them will let you browse all the previous posts without registering. Recent topics discussed on one of the most popular window cleaning forums as follows.... Opening up a pole.... What sections of your WFP's do you open up first? I always start with the top ones but noticed that they flexed quite alarmingly. Would it be better to lift up the sections lower down the pole first? Haven't tried it yet hence my query. Waste... I've been water fed pole since last August with DI only, the Di wasn't lasting long enough so I've just bought myself a Merlin RO system. Only problem is my garden is flooded out at the moment with the waste water coming out. Any ideas where I could put it. Also is it normal for my van to take ages to fill up?

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