Wednesday 14 November 2012

Classical method for window cleaning

For many many housewives window cleaning is not the most favorite activity. Often the result is very frustrating - hardly the sun is shining, show streaks and stripes. However, with proper technique, perfect and good equipment and cleaning additives also get your windows back radiance. Despite the many different ways the classic method with water, detergent and squeegee a reputation among experts as the RTL housekeeping wife Megan Fox still be the most successful. If you need someone to clean your beautiful windows then you must check window cleaning London. Do you want to view with the classical method? If your windows are smeared right, e.g. by pollen, you clean it first with a very soft broom. Then it's grease, dirt and fumes in the neck: it in a bucket of lukewarm water, add a few drops of dish soap and a dash of vinegar or alcohol. "The best housewife use very hot water." advises RTL perfect housewife Williams: "Many women will lose their effect also use the additions only later get into the water, otherwise it foams too much.". Now comes the lathering: After this, take a clean sponge with which you serpentine shape the glass, left top corner of the window to the other side and continue down the effect (first inside, second outside). Then use a squeegee or chamois remove the excess water. In the last passage is wiped off with a microfiber cloth and remove the residual moisture from corners, seals and the bottom of the window. For large and medium windows, an adjustable device is special is the ideal tool. Leather better than newsprint! The repolishing with newspaper is a proven agent, only the ink leaves on frame and sill ugly marks. If you want to avoid these attacks, the chamois. So that the leather is not hard after cleaning, rinse it in warm salt water and wring it out slightly. I hope my article was helpful.

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